12 Things Every CIO Should Know

  With every business and IT decision, we now have to take cybercrime into account. Behold our list of 12 things every Chief Information Officer (CIO) should know. Ginni Rometty, IBM’s CEO, has stated, “Cybercrime is the greatest threat to every company in the world.” Now even if you have doubts on this statement, it is…

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Despite the bellicose ravings of North Korea’s leader Kim Jung-un, his government’s exaggerated claims of nuclear capability and a growing list of successful cyber-attacks, North Korea remains, militarily speaking, in a geostrategic hostage standoff.  The United States and South Korea’s ability to defeat the North Korean Army has never been in doubt. 

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How The Hashtag is Changing Warfare

Armies of social media bots battle for hearts and minds online. On the eve of last year’s U.S. presidential election, two computational social scientists from the University of Southern California published an alarming study that went largely unnoticed in the flood of election news. It found that for a month leading up to the November…

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New Life for an Old Gun: 1917 Spandau

International Replica Arms Company (IRAC) is in the process of restoring an original German 1917 Spandau Machine Gun for the Fighter Factory maintenance facility at the Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach, VA. The primary use of the Spandau was in conjunction with an aircraft. The Spandau was lighter than than the MG 08, its predesesor, as…

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VIGILANCE: How the Internet is Used to Make Homemade Explosives

Imagine you’re sitting at home watching television when your favorite show gets interrupted by “Breaking News”. The reporter on the television with their great-looking teeth and impeccable wardrobe describes that there has been a large explosion near the finishing point of the Boston Marathon. After the shock wears off, you start asking yourself questions like,

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