
VEZI replaces paper user manuals with an incredible virtual experience. Instantly accessible and intuitively useful, VEZI gives users the ability to own their product in a new way.

How Customers Use Vezi


No more searching through dusty drawers and old file cabinets. With VEZI, finding your product’s manual is easy. With a simple tap, voice search or picture, VEZI can recognize your exact product and quickly get your customers where they need to be.


From assembly to repair, your customers can enjoy a new way of owning your product. They select the correct procedure, and then an animated 3D model effortlessly guides customers through your product’s step-by-step guide.


VEZI takes the experience of owning your product to a whole new level, making sure your customers continue loving your product for years to come.

Meet Vezi

Instead of giving your customers impersonal and confusing product manuals, give them another reason to love what you’ve built.


Request a Demonstration

Fill out the form below to get started with your Vezi experience.

Reality Matters

Replicate the realities of today to share the possibilities of tomorrow.